Thursday, June 3, 2010

embracing the natural beauty that surrounds

wild flowers!

And some Coperthwaite quotes on this subject:

"If we had fewer things and more meaningful ones, our homes and towns would be less cluttered, less ugly, and more peaceful. Our surrounding have a direct relationship to how tired we get and how happy we feel."

"I came to realize that part of the beauty of a water glass, in addition to being pleasing to the touch of the eye, hand, and lip, was to be pleasing to the touch of the mind as well. Moreover, being easily available, cheap enough for all to afford, and easy to clean and store are also facets of beauty."

"What can add more beauty to a home than friends?"

"How wonderful if our ornamentation could be knowledge, joy, and kindness- treasures that enrich everyone, unlike the baubles we usually use for decoration."

"Nonviolent beauty- beauty contained in nonmaterial things, such as a way of life, learning, relationships with others- cannot be stolen and is unlikely to produce envy. These forms of beauty are among those unusual riches that impoverish no one, that can be given away and make everyone richer."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Green's Island with Hope: Showers, Electricity, and Eight Walls

Saunas, followed by a warm water rinse off with a watering can. Amazing feeling, so clean and refreshed. Vibrant buzz.
Solar electric: for hot water, water pump?, and minimal electricity (maybe a couple outlets, a few lights, etc?). Jon's family has solar hot water that gets SO hot and stays hot for a very long time; well insulated!
I LOVE the open floor plan and loft in Hope's mom's house. It is yurt-like, eight-sided, not too big, yet very open and comfortable. A good place to start for the plan of the house itself.
This is the floor of the loft (looking up from the livingroom floor). It used to be the herb drying house for Deb Soule's herb farm Avena Botanicals.